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Significados de more encompassing en inglés
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Uso de more encompassing en inglés
They are only an instant in the moreencompassing process they make possible.
But loss is a far moreencompassing theme in our life.
Newton's theory turned out to be an approximation of Einstein's moreencompassing model.
They are made part of a moreencompassing practical experience.
But after all is done and said, these are only particular aspects of a much moreencompassing process.
Each of the four main points was in previous documents with NK, some in a stronger, moreencompassing way.
Some people would prefer a confirmation of culture as the moreencompassing framework, containing markets but not reducible to them.
His yearning for a moreencompassing form of expression than is humanly available was a theme to which he returned again and again.
The California Design Dominion brands and incentivizes consumption at every turn and creates services that loop users into ever moreencompassing and inescapable networks.
They will be effective in the future, even when applied in limited ways that do not reflect the moreencompassing impact envisioned by Rapid Dominance.