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Significados de more impervious en inglés
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Uso de more impervious en inglés
As he hastened onwards the wood grew darker and moreimpervious.
The latter is lighter, softer, and moreimpervious to the wind than the sweater.
This was made moreimpervious to the air by covering it with buffalo skins.
If necessary, shelve it for a slower-paced day, when you'll be moreimpervious to overly idealistic projections!
A butterball's bosom was no moreimpervious to slough water than the rapt-eyed youth to the older man's irony.
Instead, shares of technology and healthcare companies, whose profits are moreimpervious to economic down cycles, have led 2017's rally.
Its lava-beds differ from those of Kauai and Oahu in being lighter in colour, less cellular, and moreimpervious to water.
Some handkerchiefs, which we had brought from on board served to line them, and make them moreimpervious to the sun.
Horace says that men are moreimpervious to slashing reproach than to fine ridicule, and he was unusually adroit in hitting foibles without inflicting pain.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): As a water sign, you're likely to be moreimpervious to the downsides of the slow pace.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): While you're likely to feel moreimpervious to the slightly uncooperative vibe than others, don't assume that you're totally immune.