The period of time from the start of the day (midnight) until midday (12:00).
Examples for "morning "
Examples for "morning "
1 Hafeez tweeted: Met an inspirational Young lady today morning at Golf course.
2 Turkish forces shelled northern Iraq this morning , a Kurdish government official said.
3 CRH will issue a statement on sales and market conditions tomorrow morning .
4 A senior diplomat said of Friday morning 's result: We want a deal.
5 Of course, crossing the Cerulean Sea in a morning was impossible too.
1 We will try to talk more on this matter come the morrow .
2 I shall drop round early to - morrow morning and chat the matter over.
3 I have just come, as usual, to bid my stepdaughter good morrow .
4 On the morrow the people in the flatboat came to say good-bye.
5 They lived for the day; the morrow was sufficient when it came.
6 To - morrow , I trust that we shall hear the last of it forever.
7 The morrow came; the examination began and terminated as they had expected.
8 I would start in for myself to - morrow , if I had the capital.
9 On the morrow , the early celebration in the chapel was numerously attended.
10 And the battle of the morrow is fought in spirit, and won.
11 On the morrow all was haste and confusion in the royal palace.
12 I shall try and walk to - morrow at 3 in the usual place.
13 We had arranged our plans for the morrow in the following manner.
14 He would be at work in the royal vineyards on the morrow .
15 Somebody brought the news that we should land to - morrow in the afternoon.
16 Early on the morrow , the postillion addressed the people from the market-place.
Other examples for "morrow"
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Morrow across language varieties