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Significados de most unexceptionable en inglés
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Uso de most unexceptionable en inglés
The summerhouse remained, and a mostunexceptionable path led to it.
He was a man of great moderation, and of the mostunexceptionable character in the kingdom.
Then came, with the mostunexceptionable introductions, Miss Violet Forde, from a Sloane Square address, London.
He conducted himself in his new situation with the mostunexceptionable propriety, and the most generous benevolence.
Old Mr. Appledom,-whois really a mostunexceptionable old party, and whom I like of all things.
Then, his family connections are mostunexceptionable; my own relations cannot feel in any way compromised by such an alliance.
He was no mean hand: his slices of ham were very artist-like, and frying away in the mostunexceptionable manner.
Mr. Foster looked down at a mostunexceptionable pair of pantaloons, which had arrived from London only the day before.
This New Fairy Tale is one of the liveliest, most readable, and mostunexceptionable for Children which has ever appeared.
Unmentionable matters, once fully explored, are just as tedious and inadequate as those which supply the mostunexceptionable subjects of conversation.
A nice, smooth-faced man, somewhat clerically dressed, straight and portly of person, and mostunexceptionable in his morals, is Mr. Hadger.
Ben Jonson, a mostunexceptionable judge, has described Bacon's eloquence in words, which, though often quoted, will bear to be quoted again.
Fourthly, and lastly, That no person need think of applying for this situation unless he could furnish the mostunexceptionable references to character and abilities.
Let us now turn to consider a moment his doctrines pertaining to education, as brought out in his greatest and mostunexceptionable work, his "Émile."
"But I thought young Ogilvie a mostunexceptionable person."