We both fell on our bums in a mostunflattering way.
It was comfortable cloth cut in a mostunflattering way.
Yet it is Harvey's own recollection that casts the mostunflattering light on his handling of events.
I'll do anything or go anywhere. That freedom helped Kirsten create one of her least glamorous, mostunflattering characters yet.
Yet Evelyn was pleased to think that a likeness did exist, though Caroline declared it was a mostunflattering compliment.
It is a strangely self lacerating play, having at its heart one of the mostunflattering self portraits ever committed to the stage.
On the TV website the five leaders wear tight-fitting Lycra shorts and skimpy vests: the mostunflattering clothes possible for overweight and unfit people.
After reading an article in American Film he is outraged by the realization that men in soap operas are all characterized in mostunflattering terms.
And in a poll of the mostunflattering item of clothing ever invented, the bikini comes out in second place, just losing out to leggings.
"If you believe that," she said, "your composure is mostunflattering."
"We must have money," growled Stampoff with a mostunflattering lack of recognition of the elder Delgrado's humor.
"Because two Kings and a baker's dozen of Presidents have, at various times, sent mostunflattering reports to this country about you."