Aún no tenemos significados para "multifaceted eyes".
1Its multifaceted eyes fixed upon me and its jaws clashed in hungry anticipation.
2Its multifaceted eyes seemed to fix on Kayan, then on Jedra.
3Red light pulsed from somewhere behind its multifaceted eyes.
4They had two large, apparently multifaceted eyes fixed, like a fly's, forward in the head.
5He looked into the robot's multifaceted eyes, which mirrored the corona effects on the surrounding pillars.
6As he climbed into the control saddle it turned and looked at him through multifaceted eyes, and said: 'Can you ride, buster?'
7Below, the Hound had sunk back down upon its eight incredible insect legs and was humming to itself again, its multifaceted eyes at peace.
8And seated on a bench beside the fountain, a six-limbed, mantislike thri-kreen leaned its head back and watched them with its black, multifaceted eyes.
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