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Significados de muscular sensations en inglés
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Uso de muscular sensations en inglés
A few specially localized muscularsensations are also much discussed.
This peculiar aspect of muscularsensations is particularly true as regards the action of singing.
A perfect vocal tone awakens in the hearer a distinct set of auditory and muscularsensations.
Similar muscularsensations always accompany the expert performance of any action requiring a high degree of dexterity.
On the whole, the subject of the singer's muscularsensations is usually rather mystifying to the student.
Empirical knowledge, consisting merely of a succession of auditory and muscularsensations, lurks in the background of consciousness.
Whatever be the form of exertion, skilful physical activity awakens muscularsensations of perfectly balanced and harmonized contractions.
Pure tactile feelings are necessarily rare, since temperature sensations and muscularsensations are more or less combined with them.
Further, no amount of attention paid to muscularsensations will inform us exactly what muscles are contracted in any complex action.
This is also true of the muscularsensations of tone-production; habit makes the singer inattentive to the sensations caused by throat tension.
While every vocal teacher knows exactly how it feels to sing properly, all descriptions of the singer's muscularsensations are extremely vague.
Any vocal tone of unsatisfactory sound awakens in the hearer a set of muscularsensations, the direct opposite of those indicating the correct vocal action.
By their auditory and muscularsensations of vocal tone they were able, to their own satisfaction at least, to verify the statements of the anatomists.