Piglike hoofed mammal of the species Pecari tajacu, of North and South America, having a dark gray coat with a white collar.
Nocturnal gregarious pig-like wild animals of North America and South America.
Examples for "javelina"
Examples for "javelina"
1Some said they were shocked to see a javelina run at such a speed.
2He ate fresh oranges with gusto, and tore into the intriguing spiced fresh javelina.
3A full day's wages should be more than three times what the javelina leg cost.
4As the rest of the javelina cooked, the other men and women came and took slices.
5One rabbit, a couple tubers, and the leavings of a javelina leg between nine mouths. He smiled, self-effacing.
1This was an animal akin to our collared peccary, smaller and less fierce than its white-jawed kinsfolk.
2However, no tapir was found; Kermit killed a collared peccary, and I shot a capybara representing a color-phase the naturalists wished.
3The collared peccary also trusts to its truculence, but seeks refuge in a hole where it can face any opponent with its formidable biting apparatus.
4The Collared Peccary is the species found in North America; and of it we more particularly speak.
5It is Piggy the Peccary, known as the Collared Peccary, also called Wild Pig, Muskhog, Texas Peccary and Javelina.
Translations for musk hog