Out of this jumble of inconsistencies Muslimlaw and practice has grown.
He went to Libya, and studied Sharia and Muslimlaw.
They hang and burn them, knowing our Muslimlaw, that denies Heaven to him who is hanged and burned.
These radicals came into the region, killed tribal leaders, began systematically disenfranchising Shias and imposed Sharia, a strict Muslimlaw.
According to Muslimlaw wine is forbidden, and he who drinks it must be punished by eighty-one strokes of the whip.
The group is fighting government troops and African Union peacekeepers to impose its own version of sharia, or Muslimlaw, throughout Somalia.
He was a devout man, and, even with all his impatience, he wanted to live his life in accordance with Muslimlaw.
Sufis added the practices of fasting, night vigils and chanting the Divine Names as a mantra to the basic requirements of Muslimlaw.
Al Shabaab, which Washington views as al Qaeda's proxy in the region, seeks to impose a strict version of Muslimlaw in the country.
Muslimlaw prohibits alcohol consumption and certain forms of entertainment, as well as burial of dead infidels in a land claiming to be holy.
The Muslimlaw being entirely based on the Koran and the Traditions of the Prophet, the terms "lawyer" and "theologian" are necessarily synonymous among