Aún no tenemos significados para "narthex".
1Odenrick stepped into the narthex where Emma and her mother were waiting.
2Joshua excused himself from the children and caught up with her in the narthex.
3She staggered into the narthex,.45 in one hand, her ponderous satchel in the other.
4Movement had caught my eye, movement from the shattered hole in the narthex floor.
5I went inside, and she said, Somebody's in the choir storage room off the narthex.
6Above them was a high, oaken pulpit and a shadow-struck narthex from which gold glimmered.
7The narthex trembled with a huge, tenebrous motion like a ship wracked in a gale.
8Once it took on huge and thunderous hollowness, as if passing through some great cathedral narthex.
9Across the narthex, Lio was trying to perform some of his Vale-lore moves in his new clothes.
10Outside the narthex Emma's girlfriends stood waiting.
11The anterior portion is a vestibule, narthex, or ambulatory to the church, and is only 21 feet high.
12At the back of the nave, they pushed their way through the double doors and entered the narthex.
13The portal opens into a narthex, where there is a very primitive font like a low square trough.
14Without passing through the door, he stepped out of the night and into the narthex of the church.
15It consists of a vast nave of eleven bays, entered by a narthex, with a transept and short apsidal choir.
16Beyond it, instead of the sanctuary he had anticipated seeing, Langdon beheld a secondary narthex, slightly larger than the first.
Narthex a través del tiempo