The political party founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power by Hitler in 1933.
1Hitler's Nazi party presented an impossible problem for the Jews of Germany.
2The NPD's clear affinity for the Nazi party can easily be proven.
3Now let's turn to the financing of the Nazi Party in Germany.
4It was adopted by the Nazi party under Adolf Hitler in 1935.
5I was a member of the Nazi Party in Austria in 1937.
6I want to announce now that I am leaving the Neo Nazi party.
7It was stamped with the seal of the Nazi party's inspector of housing.
8By keeping the Jews out of the Nazi party, Hitler was acting typically.
9We want to move beyond opinions... Go into the funding of the Nazi party.
10He was known to the Nazi party as Prisoner of War Kaffir Chicken Rooinek.
11Hadn't many musicians and artists belonged to the Nazi Party?
12Description of the Nazi Party's Congress Hall & the Stadium.
13Sonofagun's the head of the American Nazi Party, if you can believe that garbage!
14The Nazi Party reports that a new "master type" is developing.
15In January 1942, the Nazi party decided to roll out the "Final Solution".
16This Thule society became the building block upon which Hitler would erect his Nazi party.