Hardware component that connects a computer to a computer network.
Employee of a railway transport network.
Examples for "signalman"
Examples for "signalman"
1The sun was high when a signalman came along the permanent way.
2The signalman was sent up, and said it looked like a raft.
3Behind, in the shadow of the tower, the signalman lay dead.
4Through the manhole of the enemy craft leaped a signalman, flags in hand.
5Here was the crossing and the dark little house where the signalman lived.
1She stood erect, the signaller holding her right arm above the elbow.
2The gunner-signaller had climbed out first, with blood all over him.
3Am sitting in my dug-out scrawling this by the light of a signaller's lamp.
4Doubt if we had a signaller on board so quick!
5We hoped that every fighting-man in the country would in time become an expert signaller.
1The spider came back as Sam was delicately probing the hard drives of the network controller.
2There were trip wires on the network controller.
3This is a different animal from Nicira's virtual network controller, but it involves some of the same concepts.
4He simply had to trace the security requests, which all had to be routed through the network controller.
5The network controller looked him up and down, decided that he was the new laptop, and happily authenticated him.
6Its network controller can be used with practically any networking hardware, including the new breed of low-cost gear coming straight from Taiwan.
7Using the Nicira network controller -a piece of software -DreamHost can program its network in much the same way we program computers.
8Apart from activating the platforms' close-defence weapons, there was little the network controllers could do.
9Kerry's SD network controllers, surprised by the vehemence of the attack, and fearing an Arnstadt-style assault, did their best to counter.
10FUNC (Fedora Unified Network Controller)
11"Think I'll just go hide in the packet flood and hunt for a network controller."
Translations for network controller