Aún no tenemos significados para "neural shunt".
1Lamia absently touched the tiny neural shunt behind her left ear.
2Instead, my fingers encountered the plastic of a neural shunt socket.
3Then he freed her, reaching up to her neck to disengage the neural shunt.
4For a while, she was unconscious, connected to some sort of neural shunt to the datasphere.
5The poet had refused to crawl into the nutrient recovery bath or have the neural shunt socket surgically removed.
6The neural shunt was gone.
7I've tried moving it, but the join is similar to where the neural shunt's been welded to her skull.
8The poet was no longer attached by the neural shunt umbilical, but he was still too weak to hold his head up.
9The stump of umbilical still attached to Silenus's neural shunt socket withered in five seconds, drying and contracting like a jellyfish out of water.
10Lamia had felt no pain, only the sudden, icy rush of displacement as the Shrike's steel talon penetrated the neural shunt behind her ear.
11"Only one of the most complex topics in the known universe," he sighed and looked longingly at his disconnected neural shunt and metacortex leads.
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