Net change in employment by region under a revenue- neutralcarbon tax.
A growing number of Republicans in the USA favor the latter, revenue neutralcarbon tax approach.
So, how do you look at this especially when you say, well, are there neutralcarbon free alternatives.
This is a key factor that differentiates a revenue- neutralcarbon tax system and its economic impacts from other carbon pricing systems.
A revenue- neutralcarbon tax or fee is a proposed policy to address global warming that's become increasingly popular, particularly in the US.
British Columbia (BC) launched a revenue- neutralcarbon fee in 2008, with the tax offset through a matching reduction income taxes.
A group of Republican elder statesmen in the Climate Leadership Council called for a revenue- neutralcarbon tax, which would grow the economy.
The REMI report illustrates that we could go a long way towards solving the climate threat by implementing a bipartisan revenue- neutralcarbon tax.
Under proposed revenue- neutralcarbon tax legislation, about two-thirds of taxpayers are projected to receive more in refunds than they pay in higher energy prices.
British Columbia has a revenue- neutralcarbon tax, offset by decreases in income taxes, and the system enjoys broad support from 64 percent of citizens.