Examples for "saltpetre"
Examples for "saltpetre"
1Gunpowder was also made with saltpetre and sulphur found in the country.
2But I could find no saltpetre; indeed, no nitrates of any kind.
3A large building in which quantities of saltpetre was stored caught next.
4There is no appearance of sulphur, saltpetre or any other combustible material.
5He got saltpetre and one or two other things from the chemist.
1The regulus of cobalt, dissolved in spirit of nitre, gives a red.
2As in orange ochre, powdered nitre may be employed in its preparation.
3It is the salt of their speech, the nitre of their wit.
4A tea-spoonful of sweet spirits of nitre will sometimes bring early relief.
5I'll bring a bottle of nitre in my bag,-andshe bustled out.
1And all that was in the bottle was sweet spirits of niter.
2The regulus of cobalt, dissolved in spirit of niter, gives a red.
3Probably extract their niter from the dung of their horses and cows.
4This niter-soaked fabric I thought might serve as tinder for the spark.
5Trails of niter ran down the walls like melted wax.
1On cooling, potassium nitrate crystallizes out, leaving small amounts of the other salts in solution.
2As the potassium nitrate burns, it lets off oxygen.
3Gunpowder, a mixture of sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate, gets its oxygen from the nitrate.
4Instead, they'd purchased potassium nitrate for use in glass-making-glassmaking being their stated business and occupation.
5Among the ingredients are barium nitrate, potassium perchlorate, powdered aluminum, powdered magnesium, potassium nitrate, and sulphur.
1For curing the meat the farmer usually uses salt , salt peter, white or brown sugar or molasses.
2Chili salt peter can be substituted in place of salt peter, if only four-fifths as much is used.
3All formulas for the sugar brine cure are practically the same varying only a little in the proportions of sugar, salt and salt peter.
4Salt peter is not absolutely necessary as far as the preserving is concerned but it helps to hold the red color of the lean meat.
1I always use Oxford cotton, and thoroughly soak it in a moderately strong solution of nitrate of potash.
2On evaporation it leaves a very small residuum of carbonate of lime, and perhaps a little nitrate of potash.
3The plant also contains tannin, resin, starch, succinic, malic, and acetic acids, with nitrate of potash, and other salts.
4The immersed leaves were then treated with carbonate of ammonia, as described under nitrate of potash, and with the same result.
5I have used the nitrate of potash on my property-anexperimental amount only-andit caused the trees to throw out strong and numerous shoots.
6They were then treated with the same solution of carbonate of ammonia, with the same result as in the case of the nitrate of potash.
7Nitrate of potash, 13¾ per cent of nitrogen.
8Freckles, to Remove.-" Nitrateof potash applied to the face night and morning is very good, and the freckles will soon disappear."
Translations for nitrate of potash