If it meant the Army should try unsegregated and mixed units, it should have said so.
Its fine represented just 1 per cent of the average amount of money unsegregated, according to the FSA.
By 2020, however, according to Air Vice Marshal Phil Osborn, the aim is to carry out training in unsegregated airspace.
Creditors to MF Global are classified as either segregated, which should ensure earlier payment, or unsegregated which puts them further back in the queue.
In October 1996, genetically engineered (GE) soya beans developed by US multi-national Monsanto were released on the European market, unlabelled and unsegregated from conventional varieties.
Uso de nonsegregated en inglés
Hospital-wide screening found 39 previously unidentified colonized patients, with only 7 more nonsegregated patients being detected in the next 2 months.