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Significados de numerous acts en inglés
Aún no tenemos significados para "numerous acts".
Uso de numerous acts en inglés
For many months, she suffered numerousacts of unspeakable violence, Michael Coyne said.
Blows, shouts, and crashes indicated numerousacts of destruction.
Apart from numerousacts of assassination, on which he prides himself, his conduct is usually irreproachable.
The files were sent by the SemioTech Warriors, a culture-jamming group responsible for numerousacts of media vandalism.
On the contrary, numerousacts of merey, as wise as they were magnanimous, illustrated the rise of the consular throne.
Constantine signalized his advent, the great Greek event of 1448, by numerousacts of clemency, for he was a just man.
ALF is the acronym for the Animal Liberation Front, an underground animal-rights group that has claimed responsibility for numerousacts of sabotage.
Nissan reiterated a previous comment, including that the car maker discovered numerousacts of misconduct by Ghosn through a robust, thorough internal investigation.
The United States had done everything it could to undermine his regime, from armed invasion to a trade embargo to numerousacts of sabotage.
Brant meanwhile exerted himself in performing numerousacts of kindness, and did what he could to check the rude violence of his savage band.
In 1841 owing to scarcity of hares many of this tribe died of starvation, and numerousacts of cannibalism are said to have occurred.
What are these numerousActs of Parliament and what are their objects, scope, and intentions?