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Significados de numerous emails en inglés
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Uso de numerous emails en inglés
The lawsuit points to numerousemails from company executives referring to no-raid agreements.
Hartley said Ramos sent her numerousemails in which he called her vulgar names and told her to kill herself.
Surely you must have the numerousemails from me about how ridiculous the contract is and how I'll never sign it.
Hartley said Ramos had sent her numerousemails in which he called her vulgar names and told her to kill herself.
Since then we have received over 120 cards and letters from all over the world, plus numerousemails, texts and phone calls.
Kingman Penniman, president of high-yield research firm KDP Investment Advisors, said he received numerousemails from bondholders opposed to GM's debt exchange offer.
He said he wrote numerousemails to Myeni, and these included giving her the opinion of aviation industry experts who supported the deal.
Impey said in fact there was an impasse between the parties involved in the Rugby Championship and he has numerousemails showing this.
When the GuptaLeaks first began pouring out, numerousemails revealed kickbacks as well as how the Guptas obtained confidential draft contracts.
Despite numerousemails and phone calls, no one could be reached at the Bureau of Mines to comment on the discrepancy in the numbers.