Cornelia had entered the hall haughty, defiant; a word and a look-shewas the most obedientvassal.
The Holy Father recognises in your Grace, in every thought, word, and action, an obedientvassal of the Holy Church.
It was I who alienated the Elector from the Swedes, who made him again the obedientvassal of his Emperor and Sovereign.
Zedekiah owed his throne to 'the king of Babylon,' and, at first, was his obedientvassal, himself going to Babylon (Jer.
Mithridates's prompt return nipped the insurrection in the bud; Hyrcania at once submitted, and became for centuries the obedientvassal of her powerful neighbor.
The obedientvassals obeyed, not without some hesitation, for they felt that the moment of exposure might be that of death.
Of course, everything had to wait while my obedientvassals went forth and reeled the discomforted Britton to the top of the steep.