1Heard their ohs and ahs from as far away as the road.
2The children had all gathered round her, admiring her with loud ohs!
3Some of the girls gave little gasps of surprise, others, ohs!
4They were all in a burst of enthusiasm with "ohs and ahs."
5And the procession chanted something sad with plenty of ohs!
6She asked him to be ready by eight and signed it with exes and ohs.
7I don't really put in the ohs and oohs.
8They all sang a melancholy ditty full of "ahs" and "ohs."
9She was breathing heavily, with a rattle in her throat, as she muttered prolonged ohs!
10As she drew near she heard a treble chorus of "ohs!"
11The match blazed into life, and there were many ohs and ahs from the surrounding crowd.
12They empty on us several bushels of "ohs" and "ahs."
13The "ohs!" and the "ahs!" exploded one after the other, incessantly, from his lips.
14He dearly loves the 'ohs' and 'ahs' of delight incident to the telling of a racy tale.
15His voice displayed itself like a peacock's plumage, and died in spasms of "ohs" and "ahs."
16When Danny stripped, there was ohs!