Aún no tenemos significados para "only begotten".
1It is where a disciple speaks of Jesus as the only begotten.
2He so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son.
3He will be the Son, the only begotten in the flesh.
4He so loved you that he gave His only begotten son-Johnthree: sixteen.
5You are Satan's only begotten son, born to be the Antichrist.
6God so loved the world as to sacrifice for it His only begotten Son.
7It seemed she had some special purpose in mind for her only begotten child.
8Of the two who were excepted, neither of them was his only begotten Son.
9He therefore summons his only begotten Son to wield the thunder-bolts, his exclusive weapon.
10It's just silly -all this stuff about God sending his only begotten son.
11Then let me ask: Do you accept me as your true and only begotten lieutenant?
12The only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, hath declared Him.
13The description of our Lord as "the only begotten Son" (iv.
14A glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
15Upon thee I call, and upon thine only begotten Son, and upon the Holy Ghost.
16The Devil's only begotten son and God's first creation.
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Only begotten a través del tiempo
Only begotten por variante geográfica