One group advocating this is the Open Government Partnership (OGP), which has 58 signatory countries.
Gasoline inventories were at 25.4 million barrels at end of July, up 7.2 percent from June, OGP reported.
Domestic commercial crude oil inventories in China rose 5.2 percent in February over January to 28.2 million tonnes, China OGP reported on Monday.
From the proteomic analysis, a total of 21 OGPs related to cancer progression were identified, of which 12 have not been previously reported.
Our results support the employment of OGP (10-14) in clinical trials addressed to the treatment of different bone remodeling alterations including the GC-induced osteoporosis.
The report looks at how retailers have used Facebook pages and the OpenGraphprotocol.
For instance, last week, Facebook introduced the OpenGraphprotocol to reuse common Facebook elements, such as the Like button, on other Web sites.
Uso de open graph en inglés
Old content receives big social improvements, including Facebook opengraph tags and working social sharing links.
The key announcement was an upgrade to the " opengraph", which makes it easier for Facebook users to discover new things from their friends' activities.
Wired: Facebook officially launched its platform OpenGraph in January.
The report looks at how retailers have used Facebook pages and the OpenGraph protocol.
In the spring, its announced its OpenGraph initiative.
As the Facebook Platform enters its sixth year, the company is expanding its mission through something it calls the OpenGraph.
OpenGraph: the evolution of yesteryear's Facebook Connect, a feature that simplified sharing the joys of the Internet on your news feed.
Viddy did do something right: it is widely credited with having expertly exploited an opening of Facebook's OpenGraph to video apps.
Using OpenGraph, Spotify -the digital music service -lets you share your listening habits with your network of Facebook friends.
What about extending this to native smartphone apps on iOS, Android, etc., that use Facebook logins and payments through the OpenGraph?
With the OpenGraph, it's expanding this model across third party services, including applications that run atop Facebook as well as independent websites.
For instance, last week, Facebook introduced the OpenGraph protocol to reuse common Facebook elements, such as the Like button, on other Web sites.
The music your friends listen to shapes what you listen to, says Mike Vernal, who oversees the Facebook engineering team responsible for OpenGraph.
OpenGraph is also trying to tie together the far corners of the Web into packages that can be more meaningful to its users.
OpenGraph has proven enormously popular with developers, but Vernal keeps pushing for ever richer, ever deeper sharing between Facebook and the outside world.
And a genuinely first-rate mobile ad network -particularly if it were multi-platform -could further drive adoption of Facebook's OpenGraph, logins and payments.