(Greek mythology) the oracle at Delphi where a priestess supposedly delivered messages from Apollo to those who sought advice; the messages were usually obscure or ambiguous.
Ver más 1 Thus both the Amphictyonic Council and the oracle of Delphi were in their power.
2 The ancients used to bribe the Oracle of Delphi .
3 The Beotians had suffered from drought for two years and sent to consult the oracle of Delphi .
4 Consulting the oracle of Delphi concerning his new government, he is said to have received the following answer:
5 Hence it was chiefly to a political cause that the immortal oracle of Delphi owed its pre-eminent importance.
6 The Scene represents the Oracle of Delphi : the Central Doors being the Gate of the 'Adytum,' or Innermost shrine.
7 Not even the Oracle of Delphi can predict in October who is to win the Champions League in May!
8 "I seem to hear the oracle of Delphi , " said Fra Colonna enthusiastically.
9 "Instead of the Oracle of Delphi , she was the Oracle of Philly."
10 The Oracle of Delphi was obviously a black woman, Solomon said, because she couldn't keep her opinions to herself.
11 Bachelor Number Two, Apollo, enjoys music and poetry and spends his free time reading prophecies at the Oracle of Delphi .
12 When the city of Athens was once in danger of being attacked and destroyed, the oracle of Delphi was consulted.
13 "The oracle of Delphi was not more impudently worked," he said.
15 "The oracle of Delphi could not have spoken better, sir," replied Sir Thomas.
16 Parnassus, the famous mountain of Phocis, the seat of the temple and oracle of Delphi and the home of the Muses.
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