We have no meanings for "other creeks" in our records yet.
1 It's sure come from a mother-lode somewhere, and other creeks will show up.
2 Perhaps other creeks also ran towards the west, but they could not be seen.
3 Are also found in all these streams and in the other creeks and brooks mentioned.
4 The creek was now all but dry, like the other creeks or rivers in the neighbourhood.
5 Several other creeks show equal promise, but very little work has been done on the latter.
6 Two other creeks joined the Burdekin during this stage; one from the south-west, and another from the north.
7 Continued northerly; at twelve miles crossed the dividing range between the Sandford and other creeks flowing into the Murchison.
8 Before we reached here we crossed two other creeks ; the first I named Salton Creek and other Isabella Creek.
9 This, as well as other creeks , became so high that it was out of the question to ford them.
10 Like the other creeks , however, it rises in plains, and either terminates in such or falls into the Stony Desert.
11 It is probable that nearly as many more died in the camps on other creeks , but this is mere conjecture.
12 The drying up of the water round about has compelled them to collect round this and other creeks which are permanent.
13 Hundreds of stampeders, after staking on other creeks than Bonanza, had gone on disgruntled down river to Forty Mile and Circle City.
14 Up and down the creek where they live and along other creeks there lie banks of earth which are very long and reach far back.
15 She saw that there were other creeks , and vast stretches of woods and fields, dotted with houses and barns, striped with fences and sandy roads.
Grammar, pronunciation and more
This collocation consists of: Other creeks through the time
Other creeks across language varieties