Aún no tenemos significados para "other galleys".
1Let the knights be summoned from the other galleys at once.
2The household of the Pope were in three other galleys.
3On the contrary, he had been busy during the winter in building other galleys.
4Two other galleys are to start with us.
5Before starting, we shall seize and set fire to all other galleys and ships in the port.
6The other galleys now closed in alongside.
7The other galleys are just upon us!
8A copy of these instructions shall be given to the other galleys, so that they may keep them.
9The governor embarked in the galley "Santiago" and took under his charge the other galleys and oared vessels.
10A third of these had been drawn from the crews of other galleys, their places being supplied by new hands.
11Undoubtedly it might cause discontent among the slaves of other galleys when they hear that others are treated better than themselves.
12As we embarked the whole city lined the public ways, and watched us from the quays, from boats, and from other galleys.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Other galleys por variante geográfica