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Significados de oversee more en inglés
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Uso de oversee more en inglés
He was the chief of psychiatry here and had to overseemore than two hundred patients.
In her role as interior secretary, she would overseemore than 70,000 employees.
Early last month, Germany said it was unrealistic for the ECB to overseemore than the bloc's biggest institutions.
NATO commanders at Kandahar airfield overseemore than 54.000 troops based in southern Afghanistan.
The last England manager to overseemore 0-0s was Bobby Robson (17).
Now there are also a growing number of "super RIAs" which overseemore than $1 billion of client assets.
Donoughe will lead all aspects of Tesla's vehicle engineering and manufacturing except the electric drivetrain and overseemore than 100 people.
Republican Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa said the watchdog report sheds light on an area of the SEC that Congress should overseemore closely.
Viking's most senior portfolio managers and their direct reports already invest about 60 percent of Viking's capital and will overseemore in the months ahead.
Recently, Fuss, who helps overseemore than $100 billion in fixed-income securities, had been purchasing the debt and convertible preferred securities of Lehman Brothers.
In the new role Neff will overseemore than 500 investment professionals running Fidelity's best-known products like the $120 billion Contrafund.
In the new role he will overseemore than 500 investment professionals running Fidelity's best-known products like the $120 billion Contrafund.
Rosekind underscored NHTSA's lack of resources by saying the agency has 90 safety enforcement officers to overseemore than 265 million vehicles on U.S. roads.
More than 800 extra gardaí have been drafted into the Border area backed by the Army and Customs officials to overseemore than 200 crossings.
The brokers oversee a combined $7 billion in client assets and 13 of the teams overseemore than $250 million in client assets each.
Pimco overseesmore than $1 trillion in assets, mostly in fixed income.