Others with obstructive tumours might have to spend their last days vomiting their ownfaeces.
Her daughters complained that she was soaked in urine and sitting in her ownfaeces when they visited.
Biffo may eat his ownfaeces, but, after a few blasts, even he knows to try a different hole.
By gluing sand from ocean sediments, cast-off shells, and microbial skeletons to their ownfaeces, they can make pressure-proof shells.
At the time, Meg Wilson confirmed that the horses were starving and "had to eat their ownfaeces".
Other prisoners were bribed by guards to torture him with beatings and humiliation, including forcing the man to eat his ownfaeces.
But lurking in their genes is a death-switch, and when this activates, they die and rot into the bed of their ownfaeces.
Facebook posters have called the family "sick, sick, sick" and "monsters" who would keep children locked up and surrounded by their ownfaeces and urine.