A hand tool for holding consisting of a compound lever for grasping.
Examples for "pincer"
Examples for "pincer"
1The ends of the lunettes had met, the pincer tips had closed.
2The pincer was riding high on her neck, tilting her jaw back.
3Its right pincer had been amputated, just like my right arm.
4His largest pincer bit into my shoulder; his hollow shout resounded.
5Providing he ignored the sharp pincer sensation besetting his crotch at every motion.
1Take a hot shower right before plucking your brows with a tweezer.
2In an optical tweezer, scientists create a laser beam with an electromagnetic field along its length.
3I personally have one the size of my fist with plasters, headache tablets, burn gel, a bandage, antiseptic, small scissors and a tweezer.
4Or you can pipe and swirl and tweezer the elements onto a china plate and eat it with a dainty fork under a pergola.
5The tweezer cop joined Jackson Scythe at the desk, plucked up a few hairs, and put them into a plastic bag before walking out.
1One should work on it with a pair of pincers, he said.
2Now, with a pair of pincers hold the ends, and using No.
3And again advances the executioner, with a pair of pincers in his hand.
4No pair of pincers will ever pull it out of us.
5Send an angel with a pair of pincers to pull out these nails.'
1Owen reached out and took a pair of tweezers from the tray.
2That's when I came up with an idea and invented a pair of tweezers.
3Use a pair of tweezers to pick up the solder.
4The doctor bent down over the table and picked up a pair of tweezers.
5Grabbing a long pair of tweezers, I pulled bones until I had a small pile.
6Darby grabbed it with a pair of tweezers and tucked it inside a glassine envelope.
7He took a pair of tweezers out of his jeans watch-pocket, and went over to my desk.
8Using a pair of tweezers, Darby freed the sliver and turned it over under the magnified light.
9She'd somehow acquired a pair of tweezers.
10It was always easier and faster to cut a story from the bottom, using a pair of tweezers.
11In it were found fragments of unvarnished pottery and a pair of tweezers in bronze, indicating the bronze epoch.
12He is hunched over a document, wearing bifocals and holding some sort of stamp with a pair of tweezers.
13With a pair of tweezers, she reached down and plucked a small fragment of bone from the unmatched pieces.
14A pair of tweezers lay on the counter, right beside a hairbrush she recognized as belonging to her mother.
15Pull the plane in, I mean, and picked us out of it-witha big pair of tweezers, likely as not.
16Among the domestic articles is an admirable design of pair of tweezers, made with a wide hinge and stiff points.
Translations for pair of tweezers