Compound eyes, camera eyes, pinhole camera eyes, even parabolicreflector eyes like a satellite dish.
The five-hundred-kilometer halo around it was something familiar- aflimsy ,slowlyrevolving parabolicreflector, the exact equivalent of the astronomers' orbiting radio telescopes.
Now the group offers a range of different solar cooking boxes, parabolicreflector cookers, solar thermos systems and other devices, including clean cookstoves.
The type of parabolicreflector now in use does not differ essentially from that of an automobile head-lamp, excepting that it is larger.
We'd lie in bed and he'd explain the Doppler effect or parabolicreflectors.
They can be reflected by plain sheets of metal, concentrated by parabolicreflectors, refracted by prisms, concentrated by lenses.
As our marine increased greater skill was invoked, and lamps reinforced by parabolicreflectors poured their light upon the sea.
The sound waves are thrown upward and are directed into the Auditorium by means of parabolicreflectors constructed of cement lined with wood.
In earlier geodetic surveys Argand lamps had been employed with parabolicreflectors and with convex lenses, but apparently these did not have a sufficient range.