The difficulty with parallelcomputing is familiar to anyone who's been on a committee.
McKenzie suggested a tripartite investment in parallelcomputing, with the goal of solving controlled fusion-energy generation.
Network of Power The difficulty with parallelcomputing is familiar to anyone who's been on a committee.
His computer uses the massively parallelcomputing technology that Shaw helped develop at Columbia in the 1980s.
SOAP is a command-driven program, which supports multi-threaded parallelcomputing, and has a batch module for multiple query sets.
With advances using silicon petering out, DNA-based computers hold the promise of massive parallelcomputing architectures that are impossible today.
The advent of GPU programmability has seen graphics processors evolve into powerful parallelcomputing tools, too, capable of carrying multiple instructions simultaneously.
With this new heterogeneous computing initiative, the group hopes to come up with a standardized (and universal) way of programming parallelcomputing tasks.
Intel and Microsoft committed $20 million over the next five years to create research centers focused on parallelcomputing at two US universities.
Probert made his presentation on Wednesday at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign's Universal ParallelComputing Research Center.