Multiple of the unit byte.
Examples for "pb"
Examples for "pb"
1However, no studies examined involvement of H 2 S in Pb-induced hypertension.
2Twenty-one PB samples from 8 control subjects without PC were also evaluated.
3Smoking-induced oxidative stress may be involved in impaired migratory activity of PB-MNCs.
4Migration activity of PB-MNCs was evaluated by the modified Boyden chamber method.
5Defensive player of the year PB: Unless he gets hurt, JJ Watt.
1Meanwhile, trot over to the PIB and see what's up with Zeiger.
2Participants were evaluated clinically and underwent PiB PET imaging and lumbar puncture.
3Both the protein and lipid components are required for PIB binding.
4One brother received a PIB-PET evaluation, while the other received an FDDNP-PET scan.
5One SCI subject had significantly increased PIB retention in the cortical areas of interest.
1What term just eclipsed the petabyte as the largest unit of data?
2Taken with an electron microscope, those images make one petabyte of data, or a billion photos, in your digital album.
3According to Hölzle, Dremel can run queries on a petabyte of data -aka millions of gigabytes -in about three seconds.
4The 60,706 raw sequences, collected from colleagues all over the globe, took up a petabyte of memory.
5It can read and write files at 284 gigabytes per second and uses a 10-petabyte shared file system.
Translations for pebibyte