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Significados de perilously high en inglés
Aún no tenemos significados para "perilously high".
Uso de perilously high en inglés
In this country, perilouslyhigh levels of reviewer unemployment were reached.
But he had never seen this much, and it was piling up perilouslyhigh.
Stick-clips are nice to have as first bolts in Smith can be perilouslyhigh.
At times words flamed perilouslyhigh.
In a little time more the gale lessened, and the sea no longer ran so perilouslyhigh as before.
One of the biggest women's luxury shoe brands, Jimmy Choo is known for perilouslyhigh heels and a glitzy look.
But the chaotic approach has meant the central bank is burning more quickly through reserves and there is even more pressure on perilouslyhigh inflation.
The policy was imposed in 1979 as a way of slowing population growth, already running at perilouslyhigh levels in the world's most populous nation.
Rose was conscious of her variable spirits-theheritage of her years-gettingmore and more uncertain, and of being wrought up to a perilouslyhigh-strung pitch.