They are exploited in several fields such as perfumery, food, pharmaceutics, and cosmetics.
The role of pharmaceutics when engaging 3-D printing technology to produce what would be low-cost personalised medicines.
Stayed clean a month or two, then offered to safeguard a pharmaceutics cabinet belonging to a friend.
Therefore, TGFbeta-TGase2 pathway may have implications for both the pathogenesis of age-related degenerative diseases and the development of pharmaceutics.
Looking round for possibilities, Constance hit upon the idea of studying pharmaceutics and becoming a dispenser; wherein, with long, steady effort, she at length succeeded.
Mother of pharmaceutics, Cipla is set to invest R1,3 billion in the development of a manufacturing plant that will be located in Durban.
The Havlicek Pharmaceutics camp was larger than most such exploratory operations.