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Significados de photoperiod(photoperiods) en inglés
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Uso de photoperiods en inglés
We also examined the saccharin preference of these mice and their circadian control in different photoperiods.
There was no effect under short photoperiods.
Our results establish mechanisms by which seasonal photoperiods may dramatically and persistently alter the function of serotonin neurons.
In many species of rodents, winter-like short day photoperiods induce increased aggression levels compared to summer-like long day photoperiods.
Previous studies in rodents demonstrated that short day photoperiods reliably increase both male and female aggression versus long day photoperiods.
GnIH release during the dark period was greater than that during the light period in explants from quail exposed to long-day photoperiods.
A similar proportion of cells expressed low levels of prolactin mRNA in both photoperiods, suggesting that they may be unresponsive to photoperiod change.
This gene was the major determinant of flowering time under long photoperiods in controlled environment experiments, irrespective of vernalization, and under spring-sown field experiments.
It was the sole determinant of vernalization response, but the effect of the deletion was modulated by photoperiods when the vernalization requirement was fulfilled.
To clarify environmental factors that induce seasonal changes in neurosteroid levels, adult males were further subjected to different photoperiods and ambient temperatures for 5 weeks.
FOF2 encodes a putative F-box protein that interacts specifically with ASK14, and its overexpression results in later flowering under both long-day and short-day photoperiods.
Furthermore, sunrise and local photoperiod timing depend on position in time zone.
We confirmed adult females exhibit a heightened corticosterone response when in SA photoperiod.
An inductive photoperiod promotes flowering via synthesis of a floral stimulus, called florigen.
These seasonal events are largely regulated by changes in photoperiod.
Effects of SA photoperiod exposure during gestation in these mice have not been examined.