A town in Czech Republic where Pilsner beer originated.
1When the author turns 22, he and Kate have dinner at Pilsen.
2Essen is very jealous of the great Skoda works near Pilsen in Austria.
3The whole army save the regiments around Pilsen had fallen away from Wallenstein.
4Here in Pilsen no one will think of looking for us.
5The funeral was scheduled for this afternoon at Ayuda de Cristianos, in Pilsen.
6This is Mike Ainsel, he's taken the empty apartment at the old Pilsen place.
7It is the maker of the popular San Miguel Pale Pilsen and Red Horse beer.
8Kate and the author frequently visit the Czech restaurant, Pilsen, in their hometown of Chicago.
9In Pilsen they take their beer making very seriously.
10I drove south to Pilsen to the Guaman home.
11The light troops of Mansfeld were still in Pilsen, and were not engaged in the action.
12Von Pilsen quittedtheroomforthwith: and next morning was sought for in vain in B--.
13For the present we must remain in Pilsen.
14An old Gothic Chamber in the Council-House at Pilsen, decorated with Colors and other War Insignia.
15Von Pilsen,' (fixing his eye upon him) 'if I do but say-seize him, Juno!'
16Project Vote volunteers put up the posters all over African-American neighborhoods and in Hispanic areas like Pilsen.