An elevated footpath, walkway, or causeway built with wooden planks that enables pedestrians to cross wet, fragile, or marshy land.
Examples for "boardwalk"
Examples for "boardwalk"
1Plans include a new floating dock, an eco-focused boardwalk and new washrooms.
2Sir,- It is good to see the Liffey boardwalk open at last.
3Anne's house is connected to the beach by a long wooden boardwalk.
4The shapes of the trollers, far below, started running up the boardwalk.
5They resumed their patrol, expecting to run into her along the boardwalk.
1They formed up for the paseo as soon as the bull had gone through.
2Peralta's plunging roan frets now in the "paseo."
3On our first afternoon we betook ourselves to the fashionable paseo, for it was a band day, and all Lima was out.
4In the past it was used as the city's bull ring, but now it is mainly a meeting point for locals on their evening paseo.
5The pirates started on a run down the Paseo del Canal.
1The sun had crested and started toward the west as Faith waited on the plank walkway in front of the trading post.
2The smaller hovels are connected by wooden planked walkways and steadying ropes.
3At the first muddy lane bridged by plank walkways, her mark's trail turned abruptly northward.
4The houses around her were flat-roofed and looming, with plank walkways slung across gaps between houses.
5He watched all the materiel being carried across long plank walkways laid over the mudflats out to waiting launches.
Translations for plank walkway