It was here that we encountered again the politicalcurrent, out of which we had been for a month.
Fascism, more than any other politicalcurrent, is a battle over memory as much as it is about the present.
What the origin of those particular events whose interaction establishes a strong politicalcurrent in a particular direction, it is perhaps unprofitable to inquire.
The smoothness of the politicalcurrent did not long continue; a passage in one of Mr. Charles Wynn's numerous communications thus describes its disturbance:-
How do the politicalcurrents flowing during the film's production affect the filmmakers?
Such universities as that in Wisconsin exerted an unusual influence on intellectual and politicalcurrents in individual states.
As new local and transnational politicalcurrents become more powerful, the nation state's rigid monopoly on political life is becoming increasingly unviable.
Politicalcurrents drifting in favour of Leung don't leave him immune to a large-scale public backlash following Sunday's poll if he wins.
From a memorandum of Prince Hohenlohe's we get a glimpse of one of the politicalcurrents and anti-currents just now running high.
High and low were alike intent to discern the opening politicalcurrents of the new Administration, but none touched or approached this particular subject.