Aún no tenemos significados para "possessed qualities".
1Still the people possessed qualities which won the regard of their visitors.
2On the other hand, he possessed qualities which, with some people, count as virtues.
3Moreover, he possessed qualities which ensure success at school.
4With all his unattractiveness, Nick might have possessed qualities which would have rightly made him popular.
5He possessed qualities which make men great.
6Talented, a good speaker, even eloquent, M. de Maupeou possessed qualities which made the greatest enterprises successful.
7Besides a keen interest in his work, he possessed qualities which made him the most agreeable and interesting of companions.
8He was a man of superior physical strength, and from all outward appearance, he possessed qualities susceptible of ready improvement.
9Smallpox had been chosen not just because it was a killer, but because it possessed qualities that made eradication plausible.
10Hannay was a very sensual woman, but in addition to this she possessed qualities that made her valuable to her husband.
11He may have been a high-minded and honourable man, or he may have possessed qualities worthy of the detestation of all.
12He fancied that she possessed qualities he had not hitherto encountered, which would become more precious when they were fully understood.
13Grétry possessed qualities of heart which endeared him to all, and his death in 1813 was the occasion of a general outburst of lamentation.
14He possessed qualities of mind and heart, having their visible outcome in a courteous, genial manner that endeared him very closely to his friends.
15He walked several times round this animal, and saw at a glance that the horse actually possessed qualities which astonished any one who saw him.
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Possessed qualities por variante geográfica