Aún no tenemos significados para "pounding hard".
1Alessandra felt her own heart, still alive, pounding hard inside her chest.
2A clatter and a rumble wells up like hooves pounding hard-packed earth.
3Mouth dry, heart pounding hard, she made another phone call to Brace.
4Andrews ran after her, his feet pounding hard in the moist gravel road.
5He pulled her tight against him, his heart pounding hard in his chest.
6He hesitates a moment, and my heart starts pounding hard.
7Eddie nodded, but he could feel his heart pounding hard.
8She mounted the stairs, her steps pounding hard enough to skew the picture frames.
9She hit refresh again and again, her heart pounding hard.
10He calls up once every fortnight to inquire-Youare not pounding hard enough, Peters.
11Voord sprang to the lead with Broud at his heels and Gorn pounding hard behind.
12Instantly her heart accelerated, pounding hard in her chest.
13I scream and jump back, my heart pounding hard.
14Ava stared at him, her heart pounding hard.
15She stared at Ali, her heart pounding hard.
16Corinne leaned in close, her heart pounding hard.
Esta colocación está formada por:
Pounding hard a través del tiempo
Pounding hard por variante geográfica
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