Student under 5 years of age.
Examples for "preschooler"
Examples for "preschooler"
1The mother was warning the preschooler to stay away from the riverbank.
2Sophie Cooper, facing the switch with her preschooler, sees this approach as arrogant.
3The second level puts together another entertaining scene as your preschooler traces the lines.
4Overall, this is a great DVD compilation for your preschooler.
5It was the type of weather that a mother of a preschooler prayed for.
1Chip is cross-legged on the floor, head lowered like a kindergartener sitting in the corner.
2Just a year ago, she'd been a kindergartener.
3I was starting fifth grade and I was much too cool to be babysitting a kindergartener.
4I say of my beautiful crown roast, like a kindergartener presenting a prized tempera paint masterpiece.
5In fact, every American kindergartener knows the rhyme: In 14 hundred and ninety-two Columbus sailed the ocean blue.
1Bonnie shouted, waving her right hand like a kindergarten student.
2Like a kindergarten student storming off to find a teacher, I went and got security.
3The nearly weeklong standoff ended with Dykes' death and the safe recovery of the kindergarten student, known only as Ethan.
4And it did indeed look a bit like a child- achildas drawn by a bright kindergarten student with a cruel turn of mind.
5It just might give some parents second thoughts about entrusting their precious kindergarten students to you.
1The chart methodology provides an inaccurate report on a preschool child's amblyopic risk.
2Watching a tired woman struggle with a squealing preschool child along the opposite pavement.
3Six percent of the nation's districts with preschools reported suspending at least one preschool child.
4But though Jake needed a preschool child with intelligence, he did not realize the height of Jimmy Holden's.
5Social-emotional problems of the toddler and preschool child was predicted better by parameters of early MCI than by temperament.
1These trends are particularly marked and of greatest concern in preschool children.
2The effect of parents on nutritional habits in preschool children is undeniable.
3Nor do I have preschool children requiring constant attention like GeekMom Sophie.
4However, limited evidence supports this intervention in preschool children with outpatient wheezing illnesses.
5Conclusions: Early childhood obesity interventions are effective in reducing BMI in preschool children.