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Significados de prevent the election en inglés
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Uso de prevent the election en inglés
He was not able to subsequently preventtheelection of D'Amato, however.
Of course they must interfere to preventtheelection being completed.
It wanted to preventtheelection of Dr Mostafa Jafari as one of two co-chairmen of a key working group.
The attacks failed to preventtheelection from taking place, prompting Western officials to describe the election as a success.
A memorable contest took place in the House of Representatives to preventtheelection of Banks of Massachusetts as Speaker.
I believed the Republican state ticket would be elected, but feared that the prohibition amendment would preventtheelection of a Republican legislature.
But though this superstition preventstheelection of rulers, it renders possible the existence of unelected rulers.
Fremont withdrew from his candidacy in order to do his "part toward preventingtheelection of the Democratic candidate."
By preventingtheelection of a rival he had gained little and incurred much censure for depriving the State of national representation.
It is revenge for that campaign, and the next one, aimed at preventingtheelection of President Putin, who seized power illegally.