Lists giving the prices of items for sale.
1AFP was unable to directly confirm the authenticity of the price list.
2Send 3 cent stamp for catalogue with price list and full information.
3She reached into a drawer and pulled out a price list.
4It would be shown only in an enclosure-folder ,circular ,catalogueor price list.
5Again the price list was discussed, and a compromise usually effected.
6In a glass case massage products were on display next to a price list.
7She showed me the price list and the slot that money would come through.
8Mara, and the minister for communications, Mr Ray Burke, were operating the price list.
9Do you have a price list for your wedding packages?
10Descriptive circular, with price list, sent per mail on application.
11A complete price list, together with samples of colors, will be furnished on request.
12According to the price list they cost the best part of a euro per nut.
13Even the price list is shown in deutschmarks, with the euro equivalent hand written on.
14As a matter of fact he hadn't any idea what the current price list was.
15Call and examine it, or send for price list.
16Zis is our price list, sir, revise and correct.