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Significados de primitive stage en inglés
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Uso de primitive stage en inglés
The Manóbo system of law is still in its indefinite primitivestage.
Carriage was yet in its most primitivestage, the road builder and bridge builder unheard of.
Folk-tales are the product of a people in a primitivestage when all the world is a wonder-sphere.
But though Paul's Christology remained in this primitivestage, it contained the germs of a more advanced theory.
Well, we have one, exactly one company that's really pursuing this idea with humans and it's in a very primitivestage.
The property of a Manóbo family is so scanty that the rules governing it have never developed beyond a primitivestage.
The iron production, which was in a primitivestage when I arrived in America, had now grown to be a great industry.
The new civilization had to start from a primitivestage, certainly, but its development proceeded far more smoothly than that of the original one.
In eight of these ten B-lineage cases, the blasts were negative for expression of the CD10 antigen, indicating a primitivestage of B-cell development.
Why, then, should not the Navaho woman have brought the art of weaving, possibly in a very primitivestage, from her original Alaskan home?
He thanked Heaven that he was past the primitivestage of thinking any single voice more interesting than the assemblage of instruments known as orchestra.
We had seen other stories spelling out what did sound like a return to a primitivestage of existence in Britain...
Sign activity at such primitivestages of humankind marked the transcendence from accidental to systematic.
Time had rolled back, and locomotion and transportation were once again in the most primitivestages.
Primitivestages are remarkably adaptive to the environment.
This is why interest in cognitive characteristics of oral communication-of the primitivestages or of the present-remains important.