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As natural sleep has different degrees of profoundness, so has trance sleep.
The profoundness of Shakespeare seems a shoreward shallow when viewed alongside the Bible.
Darvid inclined with befitting profoundness; the officers bowed much lower their hats above their heads.
You would think the boys slept, and that the men have any degree of profoundness.
The profoundness of the gloom was tremendous.
One knowing the innermost workings of Colonel Grand's mind would have understood the profoundness of that bow.
We may acquire languages; we may devote ourselves to arts; we may give ourselves up to the profoundness of science.
Looking back, one is indeed tempted to forget the profoundness of the philosopher, in recollection of the loveableness of the man.
He expatiated with great profoundness and fertility of ideas, on the uses to which a faculty like this might be employed.
Seeing the futility of his endeavours, Gonzaga withdrew in increased resentment, but with a heightened sweetness of smile and profoundness of courtesies.
Towards the peers, the earnestness, it is not too much to say the respectfulness, the slowness, the profoundness of his bow was eloquent.
There is no other account of the French Revolution that can be compared with it for intensity of feeling and profoundness of thought.
We do not with sufficient plainness or sufficient profoundness address ourselves to life, nor dare we chaunt our own times and social circumstance.
In fact, he came to surpass Socrates in the profoundness of his views, and in the correctness and eloquence with which he expressed them.
It requires time, use, insight, event, all the great lessons and assistances of God; and only to think of using it implies character and profoundness.
"We're not ever going back home," Cricket said, and as the profoundness of her words hit them, they all fell quiet.