A second count alleged Genwal mined in a prohibitedarea days before the collapse.
Hit it, MacNab; hit it; stab it, kick it; think you're scrambling for whisky in a prohibitedarea.
Despite Hanoi's objection, MSAC on Monday expanded the prohibitedarea around its oil rig to a three miles radius.
Here, Russell records how, in September 1916, he was forbidden to enter any prohibitedarea without permission in writing from the competent military authority.
But despite Vietnam's objections, MSAC on Monday expanded the prohibitedarea around the rig to a three-mile (4.8 km) radius.
Signs on an approach road read ominously: "No Through Road-JointDefence Facility Pine Gap-ProhibitedArea-Turn Around Now."
Part of the property portfolio is inside the Woomera ProhibitedArea (WPA), a military weapons testing range in South Australia.