The gene encoding the protein of interest is inserted into an inducible prokaryoticexpression vector.
Recombinant forms of GH and its antagonists are mainly produced in prokaryoticexpression systems, such as E. coli.
This study aimed to extract pure soluble human TNFR1-ECD and investigate its biological activity, using a prokaryoticexpression system.
We generated a series of carboxyl-terminal truncation mutants of villin and cloned them in the prokaryoticexpression vector pGEX-2T.
The effect of this mutation was investigated by expression of the wildtype and mutated PBGD in a prokaryoticexpression system.
These results show that the recombinant prokaryoticexpression plasmid pYA-SS could express the SS fusion protein with good immunogenicity in C500 strain.
Objective: To construct mature protein curcin gene prokaryoticexpression vectors in Escherichia coli and choose the optimal inducing condition of the recombinant strains.