Aún no tenemos significados para "proved again".
1They were invaluable in forest warfare, as had been proved again and again.
2Absence, he had proved again and again, never made a heart grow fonder.
3What, oh, what has been our sin, that we must be proved again?
4Unfortunately the dances, as first planned, proved again an error.
5He proved again against Denmark that he should be starting.
6Khensani Maseko's death has proved again that many more women are dying in silence.
7Over-abundance debilitates and retards progress; this has been proved again and again by my collaborators.
8This The Ladies' Home Journal proved again and again.
9Australia is all too used to heartbreak at Headingley and so it proved again in 2019.
10Zuma proved again the perfect knowledge of men that Hannibal possessed and his influence over the troops.
11After climbing back into the game, the Chargers proved again to have no answer for the Chiefs' offense.
12Pope John Paul II the Superstar proved again he can bring out more people than any rock concert.
13Now, all that is not from nature is contrary to nature, as I have proved again and again.
14That's been proved again and again.
15And the band's haunting delivery "Drive" proved again that those strings on the recorded version are extraneous.
16I saw it proved again in our contact with the Quíchua and Aymará and other tribes of Peru and Bolivia.
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Proved again por variante geográfica