The whole scene, paltry, confined, and dull, reached for her the extreme of provinciality.
Down there, nothing is not ridiculed that is not some phase of a provinciality.
Egoists, then, are guilty of a kind of stupid provinciality.
In spite of the foulness and the provinciality of Bursley, Sophia enjoyed the intimacy with Constance.
All the absurd fastidiousness of her schoolgirlish provinciality emerged in that eager, affected torrent of remarks.
I've been trying desperately to dispel my provinciality by teaching myself a bird's-eye view of things.
Whether he has that inherent grip which makes a man's provinciality the very source of his strength .
Constance did not appear to realize the awful conditions of dirt, decay, and provinciality in which she was living.
It is certainly useless to deny the reality that Ireland - in visual artistic terms - is destined to perpetual provinciality.
We hear pompous and hypocritical suggestions, full of that which so often accompanies the sin of pride, the weakness of provinciality.
What strikes one on reading over Mr. Sladen's collection is the depressing provinciality of mood and manner in almost every writer.
Before the early-modern period, when adventuring sailboats accelerated the mixing of peoples and their bugs, human provinciality was a guard against pandemic.
Her provinciality, however, was negative rather than positive, she had no disagreeable mannerisms, her voice was not nasal; her plasticity appealed to me.
As fascinating as Mrs Coopertown's observations on the provinciality of British television were, we felt compelled to ask about the incident with the dog.
Matthew Arnold's plea for an English academy of letters to save his countrymen from the note of vulgarity and provinciality has met with no response.
We have no concern, however with these provincialities just now, for we are in Philistia.