A heavy iron lever with one end forged into a wedge.
A tool consisting of a metal bar with a single curved end and flattened points, often with a small fissure on the curved end for removing nails.
Examples for "pry"
Examples for "pry"
1Quynh Ha said nothing; it was obviously not her place to pry.
2He didn't understand her change of heart and didn't want to pry.
3Don't you need something called a jimmy to pry doors open with?
4Titus had one last thrash, one final attempt to pry himself free.
5He used the knife blade to pry it out of the way.
1Brown took the lighted lantern and followed me; I had a crowbar.
2The sailor was standing now, with the crowbar clenched in both hands.
3It is short and thick, and the most interesting kind of crowbar.
4I went back to Dr Keller's with a file and a crowbar.
5Fetch a crowbar, and call up one of the lads to help.
1Vaughan carried the flashlight and Reacher took the wrecking bar from the trunk.
2The wrecking bar clanged off the ledge and caught him in the foot.
3I opened the trunk and took out the steel wrecking bar I'd bought.
4In a hardware store, I bought a two-foot steel wrecking bar.
5They yielded to little more than the weight of the wrecking bar alone.
1Ishanti jammed a pry bar into the cracks between the worm's rings.
2Using the pry bar, I began to work the bricks loose.
3Taking the hammer and pry bar, I went back down to the cellar.
4A single stroke from Caleb's pry bar and the glass shattered.
5He regripped the pry bar and bags and headed up the final ladder.
6He gestured at the slave imperiously with the steel pry bar.
7We got a pry bar, it's got a little rubber foot on it.
8The pry bar he carried took care of the latter.
9I twisted and levered the blade in, using the handle as a pry bar.
10Each kit contained a knife, a projectile pistol, compact tools, and a pry bar.
11Uram stood there in the darkness holding a pry bar.
12Kate could see a shotgun case and a long silver-colored pry bar in the trunk.
13He was still gripping the pry bar and his face was pale, but he smiled.
14He found a pry bar in the workshop.
15Selecting the large hammer with its pry jaws and a heavy pry bar, I went back upstairs.
16The pry bar was three and a half feet long and the shaft was one-inch-thick steel alloy.