Conversion of fats and oils into foul-tasting or -smelling substances.
Examples for "rancid"
Examples for "rancid"
1An animal odor and a stench of rancid oil pervaded the place.
2If it is rancid, it should not be used in salad dressing.
3Where once gentility abode was now but a rancid and rude incontinence.
4Like eggs left too long in the sun, like meat gone rancid.
5It's a pretty rancid performance for the nation of Shakespeare and Newton.
1A slight rancidity is part of the flavor of a traditional confit.
2Fatty fish are usually smoked, or salt-cured in closed containers to minimize rancidity.
3The problem is bacterial spoilage or rancidity or both.
4Both canola and safflower oil are inexpensive; however, canola should be refrigerated to guard against rancidity.
5Not only does it vary much in freedom from acid and rancidity, but is frequently adulterated.
1Store in the fridge to stop the linseeds going rancid.
2It can last for two years before going rancid.
3He sniffed the contents of the cup as if he thought it was going rancid.
4So you then end up with water being left on the field going rancid for longer.
Translations for rancidification